Start-Up-Area and Young Innovators

The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) is sponsoring participation in AMB 2024, paving the way for young companies to successfully enter the market.

This year, young and innovative companies from Germany will showcase their cutting-edge solutions at the East Entrance, in front of the L-Bank Forum (Hall 1).

Visit us and be inspired!


  • 11.09.2024, 15:00 – 16:00
  • 12.09.2024, 14:30 – 16:00 

Place: AMB Stage, Atrium (Entrance East)
Organisers: Allianz Industrie 4.0, Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation, Messe Stuttgart 

Young and innovative enterprises exhibiting on the BMWK sponsored Young Innovators joint stand will pitch alongside companies from the Start-Up Area in front of the trade fair public and a jury of experts from the industry. The pitches are limited to 5 minutes.

You are welcome to join us and find inspiration! For the small appetite, fresh buttered pretzels are provided.

These exhibitors can be found at the joint stand Young Innovators:

  • OS Order Scout GmbH
  • SparePartsNow GmbH
  • gemineers GmbH
  • Tetralytix GmbH
  • VibroCut GmbH
  • goCAD GmbH
  • Aspio GbR
  • New Tec Consulting GbR
  • Carbon-Drive GmbH
  • Performance Recruiting GmbH

The following companies will also exhibit their products in the Start-Up Area on 10 and 11 September 2024:

  • AdaptX Systems GmbH

The following companies will also exhibit their products in the Start-Up Area on 12 and 13 September 2024:

  • Data Coffee GmbH
  • E4B2B GmbH
