In three steps to your trade fair presence


We are happy to provide individual advice in all areas concerning your trade fair participation and your trade fair stand. Just ask us! 


Set-up and dismantling times / Opening times for exhibitors

Opening times for exhibitors as well as set-up and dismantling times can be found on page 2 of the Special Exhibiting Conditions (PDF, 221 KB).

Exhibitor passes & ticket codes

In the Stuttgart Messe Service - Portal, you can generate exhibitor passes as well as ticket codes for your customers. For that, you can use the personal access data you received with the stand confirmation from Messe Stuttgart.

Delivery & loading

Here you will find all information on deliveries to your stand, contact details for our in-house forwarding agent Schenker and the loading plans:

Deliveries to Messe Stuttgart (PDF, 82 KB)

Messe Stuttgart hall access (PDF, 211 KB)

ICS hall access (PDF, 208 KB)

Further plans


Messe Stuttgart
Messepiazza 1
70629 Stuttgart

Tel.: +49 711 18560-0
Fax: +49 711 18560-2440

Deadlines and dates

An overview of important deadlines and dates can be found in the Stuttgart Messe Service Portal.

Deadlines and dates