Forum early education

The "Forum early education" highlights current developments, key challenges and opportunities in the field of early childhood education under the motto #together. The diverse topics always focus on the #together of the various players in early education. Each of the 5 event days at the "Forum early education" will address a different topic in the form of keynotes, keynote speeches and discussion panels.
Participation in the "Forum early education" is free of charge and included in admission to the trade fair.Registration is required for the opening lectures in the Congress Center West. Participation in the events at the "Forum early education" in Hall 9 is possible without registration. Please note that the presentations will only be in German.
Tuesday, 11.02.2025
Shaping the future together - leading teams through change
For many daycare center managers, the future of their teams is the focus: How can they build, lead and develop multi-professional teams that meet the diverse requirements of early childhood education? Daycare center teams increasingly require diverse skills that need to be continuously developed. The aim is to develop strategies that ensure sustainable and high-quality early childhood education and strengthen the teams in daycare centers for the future.
At the same time, social change brings further challenges: flexibility and work-life balance are key issues here. The question arises as to how daycare center managers and providers can create attractive working conditions in order to retain specialist staff in the long term.
Opening lecture: Ursula Günster-Schöning
Of self-efficacy and the desire to perform! - Leading teams successfully into the future in times of change
Speaker: Ursula Günster-Schöning
Location: Kongress West > Registration required
For daycare center managers and providers, the responsibility to set up their teams for the future is greater than ever. The work motivation of many professionals is at an all-time low: between the longing for a better work-life balance and the call for a 4-day week, the question arises as to whether less work is really the solution. What about the desire to come to daycare every day motivated to develop one's own performance? This is where nursery managers are called upon to act as personnel developers: they must support their teams, understand the different needs of the generations and the dynamics of multi-professional teams and respond to them in a targeted manner. The 7 maxims of “Leistungslust” offer valuable approaches to get out of the “vale of tears” and set the course for the future.
Motivating teamwork in the daycare center - in times of diversity and scarcity
Speakers: Andrea Pryzibilla and Dieter Rossmeissl
"Forum early education" Hall 9, No registration necessary
The challenges facing daycare center teams today are manifold. Staff shortages and high staff turnover are a vicious circle that often stands in the way of quality pedagogical work. Why is motivating teamwork so important in this situation? We need to know the phases of team building in order to actively shape them. Orientation towards resources and the “bowl of individualities” prove to be an opportunity. Paying attention to informal structures and roles is important in order to harness the potential that we find in the team. The key functions of personnel recruitment and retention can only be achieved with motivating teamwork. We also want to look at the political solutions.
Not without daycare center managers: A key role in the development of core ethical values
Speakers: Doreen Siebernik and Birte Radmacher
"Forum early education" Hall 9, No registration necessary
All too often we experience everyday pedagogical life with a certain powerlessness. But there is always room for maneuver and it is precisely this that we want to focus on. This involves questions such as: Who plays what role in the system? Who exercises power over whom? Do we give children their rights? Where exactly is our room for maneuver? When it comes to pedagogical quality development, teamwork and the establishment of an appreciative and respectful environment, the daycare center management plays a key role. In order to be able to fulfill this role and still take good care of themselves, they need skills, appropriate framework conditions and a reliable and professional support system.
Decentralized leadership in digital times
Speaker: Florian Esser-Greassidou
"Forum early education" Hall 9, No registration necessary
In a working world that is characterized by working from home, in which people come together much less in presence, as a manager you need a strong focus on communication. As the department head of a Germany-wide childcare provider, I am responsible for quality management in various major German cities. Meetings are tightly scheduled, Outlook calendars are full and the personnel development meeting is not due for another 7 months. As a manager, I have to create settings in which employees feel seen, heard and empowered so that they don't lose their connection to the company and risk breaking off relationships. Productivity, motivation and process quality only remain in balance where the leader leads with trust. Trust that can only be generated through relationships and not through strict rules or sterile management guidelines.
Wednesday, 12.02.2025
Ensuring education together - daycare centers as the foundation of society
In order for daycare centers to become good places for children, it is important that every child receives the best support for their future development. This means that they should not only learn, but also be able to develop well in social and emotional areas. High-quality early childhood education helps children to grow up healthy and socially competent, which will help them to be successful later in life.
However, daycare centers are currently threatened by political and social structures as well as a lack of financial support. It is crucial that the importance of early childhood education is better recognized as an independent phase in children's lives. This could raise awareness in society and gain political support. Adequately funded, high-quality early childhood education is an investment in the future. It can help to reduce education and social spending and contribute to a healthier and more harmonious society overall.
Opening lecture: Prof. Dr. Rahel Dreyer
Strengthening early childhood education - investing in the future
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Rahel Dreyer
Location: Kongress West > Registration required
The system of early childhood education and care is under pressure: political structures, a shortage of skilled workers and insufficient funding are jeopardizing the quality of daycare centres. The presentation will shed light on the current state of early childhood education and care and show concrete ways in which the system can be strengthened and made future-proof - for better educational opportunities and a fairer society.
Social responsibility of daycare centers: enabling the compatibility of family and career
In a changing society, daycare centers play a key role in supporting families and promoting equal opportunities. How can daycare centers actively promote the compatibility of family and career? What responsibility do they have towards parents, children and society? Together with our speakers, we will discuss the framework conditions that support daycare centers in fulfilling their responsibilities.
- Clemens M. Weegmann, DKV State Chairman BW
- Dr. Susanne Herre, IHK Managing Director Stuttgart Region
- Saskia Frank MdL, "Grüne" parliamentary group in the state parliament
- Anja Braekow, Chairwoman of the "Fachkräfteverband Baden-Württemberg"
"Forum early education" Hall 9, No registration necessary
We are so free: How the institutional diversity enriches the educational landscape
Speakers: Mario Gräff, Ferdinand Bostelmann-Reh, Benjamin-Hendrik Mahl-Maier
"Forum early education" Hall 9, No registration necessary
The educational landscape in Germany is colorful and diverse. In the early childhood sector in particular, a large proportion of educational work in Germany is carried out by independent institutions. Medium-sized independent institutions can play to their strengths in the areas of innovation and quality assurance in particular: they can act with more foresight, react in a more timely manner and implement measures more quickly and in line with demand. From management work and work-life balance to the use of digital media: Educcare, PME and Klax use concrete practical examples to show how good educational work can succeed - even in times of tight budgets and a general shortage of skilled workers.
Shaping the future: Early education in transition
Speakers: Dr. Ilse Wehrmann, Erni Schaaf-Peitz & Karolin Röhm
Moderation: Ursula Günster-Schöning
"Forum early education" Hall 9, No registration necessary
Early childhood education has undergone profound changes in recent decades: From new pedagogical approaches to increased recognition of the profession, much has changed. The panel discussion offers a look back at the most important developments, takes a look at what was initiated but not realized and discusses the challenges that characterize everyday life in daycare centers today, such as the shortage of skilled workers and increasing quality standards. The exchange between experts from education and practice will also address the question of what early education needs in order to ensure quality and equal opportunities for children in the long term. Join us in discussing the future of early childhood education!
Uniform federal standards - good quality education right from the start!
Speaker: Anja Halder and further chairpersons of the "Verband Kita-Fachkräfte deutschlandweit"
"Forum early education" Hall 9, No registration necessary
We would like to show that the foundation for the institutional educational biography is laid in daycare centers. This requires child-friendly framework conditions and minimum standards. Based on scientific research, we know which learning environments are beneficial and which are a hindrance. Unfortunately, there are too many daycare centers in Germany that do not (or cannot) provide conducive conditions. We need funding from the federal and state governments as well as binding standards. The Kita Quality Act is a first step, but what does it achieve in practice? Where would educational professionals like to see a nationwide standard? What can or must this look like? Why is management time necessary and why does it differ from state to state? We would like to discuss these and other current issues with other associations of childcare professionals and also take up questions/suggestions from the audience.
Thursday, 13.02.2025
Using digital media together - discovering new possibilities
Digital media are increasingly finding their place in daycare centers to facilitate various learning processes. Personal contact between the children and educational professionals is and remains of crucial importance.
The aim of digitalization in early education is not only to introduce technological tools, but also to strengthen children's self-determination. Children should have the opportunity to decide for themselves when and how they want to use digital media. Educational professionals play a central role here by supporting children in reflecting on their media use and handling it responsibly.
This support not only promotes children's media skills, but also enables them to think critically, express themselves, interact with others and be creative.
Opening lecture: Prof. Dr. mult.Wassilios E. Fthenakis
Education 5.0 - The necessary change of perspective, also in early education
Speaker: Prof. Dr. mult. Wassilios E. Fthenakis
Location: Kongress West > Registration required
New technologies are conquering all areas of life at an unprecedented pace. Over the last few years, technologies have been introduced into the education system as part of Education 4.0. With the advent of AI and in light of the emerging metaverse, the question of the relationship between humans and technology is once again being raised. There is criticism that technologies are too much at the center of attention, even though they have not produced the expected result. A change of perspective is advocated that puts the child, not the technologies, at the center and empowers them to decide for themselves whether they want to use technologies, for what purpose, when and with whom.
To achieve this goal, a number of questions need to be answered: Which skills need to be strengthened? What methodological and didactic approach should be used? And are the pedagogical approaches used to date still up to date? Even more: can this turnaround in the existing education system be realized at all?
The time is ripe to move early education into a new era. An opportunity that cannot be squandered.
Daycare of the future: How digitalization and AI are challenging early education
Speaker: Antje Bostelmann
"Forum early education" Hall 9, No registration necessary
We are living in a time of great change. The digital revolution is gathering pace, new technologies such as AI are increasingly influencing the way we live together. But the years of the pandemic, wars and climate change are also challenging our society. How should nurseries respond to these changes? How do educational professionals deal with the fact that they have to work with children on topics that are initially unfamiliar to them? The lecture will use a variety of examples from the practice of educational institutions to show how the learning setting between children and adults must change and what is important in a society that is undergoing major changes and is characterized by increasing digitalization.
The developmental support of the emotional intelligence of children and adolescents in the context of child protection, in times of emotional artificial intelligence and digitalization
Speaker: Nicole Dreesen
"Forum early education" Hall 9, No registration necessary
Digitalization and the continuous development of artificial intelligence have become an integral part of the modern technological landscape. They are an ever-increasing part of today's society and are an integral part of the lives of children and young people. This raises the question of what newly adjusted role and task educational professionals can take on with the respective legal mandate, so that children and young people are accompanied in their development on the basis of the concept of child protection. As a result, it is important to look at the effects that emotional artificial intelligence in particular has on the emotional development of children and what changes need to be taken into account for the benefit and protection of children, but also to be further developed in general educational work.
AI and digital tools for educational professionals
Speaker: Barabara Hackbarth-Burkart
"Forum early education" Hall 9, No registration necessary
#1 Digital engagement: Interactive surveys with Mentimeter and virtual pinboards
In this tool you will learn how to use Mentimeter to create interactive surveys and promote collaboration on virtual pinboards - all in compliance with data protection regulations and child's play!
#2 Creative ideas with ChatGPT - For planning activities, games and events
Find out how you can use ChatGPT to generate creative ideas for activities, games and events - an exciting adventure for your pedagogical practice!
#3 Language diversity in kindergarten: translation tools for everyday use
In this tool, you will learn how to use DeepL to overcome language barriers and celebrate diversity in kindergarten.
Friday, 14.02.2025
Together for equal opportunities - language education as the key
Language education and support is a central topic in everyday pedagogical work, as professionals face the daily challenge of supporting each child individually and offering them optimal development opportunities. Language is not only crucial for success at school and the rest of a child's life, but is also of central importance for their social integration and personal development.
In order to achieve these goals, the question arises as to what is actually feasible under the given circumstances. What resources and support do professionals need to effectively implement language education and support? What framework conditions need to be created so that they can fulfill their tasks in the best possible way?
Opening lecture: Prof. Dr. Renate Zimmer
Recognizing and using potential for language education and language support
Speaker: Renate Zimmer
Location: Kongress West > Registration required
Children develop their language potential in a social context, in exchange with others. However, they also develop it in contexts of action that affect their own interests, in which they can become active and experience themselves as self-effective. The lecture provides suggestions on how the relationship with the child can be strengthened but also how access to language can be shaped. It is particularly important for children who need special guidance and support to find action-oriented language opportunities in which they can contribute their potential.
How much (language) education should there be [in the daycare center]?
Speaker: Petra Golisch (panel discussion)
"Forum early education" Hall 9, No registration necessary
Hardly anyone would dispute the importance of early childhood education. It should be equally obvious that daycare centers and preschools are an ideal place to bring children who are not yet of school age into contact with education at an early age.
Whether it's language development, democracy education, math and science or social learning - you can't start early enough.
But how much education belongs in daycare? And if education is to be an integral part of daycare - how “schooled” and institutionalized should it be? - Let's stay with language education:
Is everyday integrated language support the method of choice?
Do language tests make sense?
And how and when should all this be done in times of a shortage of skilled workers?
Discuss and exchange ideas:
Markus Bracht (Managing Director of educcare)
Britta Vorbach (freelance author and literary mediator)
Petra Golisch (Program Manager at Finken-Verlag)
Language education in daycare centers: Practical impulses for high-quality and sustainable implementation
Speakers: Sybille Bohnacker
"Forum early education" Hall 9, No registration necessary
“Reading aloud - a superpower” The relevance of reading promotion for children's educational opportunities
Speaker: Sabine Bonewitz
"Forum early education" Hall 9, No registration necessary
Many people are not aware of how big an impact reading aloud can have. The results of the Reading Aloud Monitor 2023 show that Around 37% of parents rarely or never read to their children. Children then start nursery and elementary school with this disadvantage. Book gifts, reading promotion projects in nurseries and schools as well as training opportunities for professionals are essential to open up educational opportunities for all children. With regional and nationwide projects in daycare centers, primary and secondary schools, with a digital daycare center, school and volunteer portal as well as a training campus, Stiftung Lesen provides offers for a seamless educational chain.
Saturday, 15.02.2025
Taking responsibility together - Democracy education as the key to sustainable development
It is important that we not only see children as future members of our society, but also give them the opportunity to play an active role in their own development and that of society. Daycare centers lay the foundations for respectful and inclusive coexistence based on values such as tolerance and equality.
Educational professionals play a central role in this by not only imparting knowledge and promoting social skills, but also building a network that extends beyond the daycare center. By working with families, local communities and other educational institutions, not only is society involved, but a valuable network is also created to make effective use of resources. Children should be empowered to understand and live democratic principles such as participation and responsibility.
This comprehensive education enables children to think critically and develop solutions to environmental and social challenges. In this way, they become active shapers of a just and sustainable future that goes beyond the immediate daycare context.
Opening lecture: Ute Krümmel & Meike Rathgeber
Participation in early education for sustainable development - daycare centers as places of learning for democracy
Speakers: Ute Krümmel and Meike Rathgeber
Location: Kongress West > Registration required
“Turn off the light!” How democratic is ESD? The lecture introduces a concept of early ESD. We will use examples to show the important role of children's perspectives and participation in ESD education contexts as a basis for democracy education. Children should be empowered to understand and live democratic principles such as voting and taking responsibility. They experience themselves as effective - in the daycare center and beyond.
"Ask me before you decide!” Supporting sustainable democracy education by asking questions
Speaker: Sibylle Münnich
"Forum early education" Hall 9, No registration necessary
Children want to be asked. They want to have a say and self-determination in situations that affect them and whose consequences they can foresee. One way to support this as an educator is to ask the right questions. In this interview, questions are asked and developed on how they can help with democracy education in the daycare center in the long term. Let yourself be inspired by questions!
Democracy in daycare centers - How can children experience that their voice counts while they are still in daycare?
Speakers: Anne Rosenkötter, Moritz Döpfer, Rosali Maragozidou
"Forum early education" Hall 9, No registration necessary
The daycare center as an elementary place of education offers the opportunity to teach democratic values at an early age. In this article, specialists and managers discuss tried-and-tested approaches from everyday daycare center life. They show how participation, co-determination and a culture of dialog not only strengthen children's rights, but also enrich cooperation in teams and with parents. Find out how a democratic daycare center becomes the basis for a committed, respectful and inclusive community.