Haßberge Tourismus e.V.

23 new themed routes plus a digital discoverer guide
It lies hidden between hops, vineyards and old masonry: the poetry of the Hassberge hills. It helped the Franconian poet Friedrich Rückert to become famous worldwide. The last Franconian knight, Christian Truchsess von Wetzhausen, created a round table in its honour and the special charm of the region is also still reflected today in the enthusiasm of the visitors. That's because the idyllic half-timbered townscapes, an incredible number of castles and an inimitable natural landscape from Grabfeld to the northern reaches of the Steigerwald make this region a unique experience.
And since beer Franconia and wine Franconia also meet in the Hassberge region, and great emphasis is placed on regional cuisine, gourmets also get their money's worth here. You can discover this unique region with all its different facets during 23 themed tours and 6 cycle routes on an e-bike or a normal bike.
Want to learn more ?
⏩ Visit the Haßberge Tourismus team at their booth 9A17 on 14 - 16 January 2023!
Bildrechte: Ralf Schanze