Stuttgart Coffee Summit
![Stuttgart Coffee Summit [Translate to English:]](/intergastra/fileadmin/media/aussteller/sonderflaechen/stuttgart_coffee_summit/ig-22-header-1.jpg)
Black, hot and increasingly more popular!
The Stuttgart Coffee Summit was the perfect meeting place for all those who wanted to find out about new coffee-related offers and business opportunities. Wilhelma and Coffee Consulate Mannheim were presenting a unique exhibition concept at INTERGASTRA 2024: the coffee plantation experience. The special show offered the opportunity to experience and taste the biodiversity and complexity of coffee in a realistic environment.
The Highlights
The "Taxonomic Experience Coffee Plantation" was presented by Coffee Consulate and the Wilhelma zoological-botanical garden in Stuttgart. This pioneering collaboration offered you daily "Botanical Plantation Tours with Coffee Tasting" and other coffee highlights in a realistic environment.
What else is there to discover about coffee at INTERGASTRA?
- Coffee Morning Talk: Experienced baristas discussed current issues in the coffee industry.
- Show stage: Discussion rounds, competitions and workshops
- Meetings with roasters, companies with products for water treatment, coffee beans, café equipment and reusable crockery.