Review 2023

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That was Moulding Expo 2023

After a four-year break, Moulding Expo was finally held again as an attended event. The International Trade Fair for Tool, Pattern and Mould Making was staged for the first time in the L-Bank Forum (Hall 1), the largest exhibition hall at Messe Stuttgart.

With a clear focus, 376 exhibitors from 24 countries provided interested trade visitors with an extensive overview of the latest trends and innovations.

Around 6,000 visitors came to Stuttgart. Special mention must be made of the high expertise of the visitors this year. 83 per cent of visitors were solely responsible, jointly responsible or responsible in an advisory capacity for purchasing and procurement decisions in their company. 12 per cent of visitors came from company and plant management.

Statements on Moulding Expo 2023

  • "We were delighted to finally stage Moulding Expo again as an attended event at the Stuttgart Trade Fair Center after a four-year break due to the corona pandemic. The L-Bank Forum (Hall 1) offered all participants an attractive market platform over a period of four days – despite more difficult general conditions with rising energy prices, supply chain bottlenecks and the war in Ukraine."

    Roland Bleinroth, President of Messe Stuttgart.

  • "The tool, pattern and mould making industry is an absolutely essential part of our economy and is vital for the automotive, aerospace, electrical and mechanical engineering industries. Moulding Expo was an opportunity to experience in a live setting the high innovative capacity and efficiency of the industry, which are vital for future challenges."

    Patrick Rapp, State Secretary in the Baden-Württemberg Ministry for Economic Affairs, Employment and Tourism

  • "Following the pandemic, Moulding Expo was - as a regional trade fair - the first large industry meeting point for our company. Over a period of four days we discussed new impulses with business partners and interested parties from the tool and mould making industry, presented our technologies and developments, and met visitors and exhibitors who are pursuing the same objectives in regard to innovation and advances."

    Marco Reichle, Reichle Technologiezentrum GmbH

  • "I like the wide-ranging technical perspective at Moulding Expo. All the players were present: important customers, suppliers, colleagues and trade associations. It was noticeable after four years that nothing can replace direct discussions with customers and colleagues. The concept with the industry under one roof is coherent. As things stand at present, we will come back again in 2025."

    Klaus Lemke, Managing Director of Triwefo GmbH

  • "The physical proximity to tool, pattern and mould making companies and their suppliers produced an effective concentration of specialist contacts. This then had a positive effect on the quality of the discussions. We are therefore certain that we will exhibit again at Moulding Expo in 2025."

    Joachim Seele, Head of Technical Sales & BDS, GF Machining Solutions GmbH

  • "In our opinion, Moulding Expo is a leading trade fair in the tool, pattern and mould making sector. A total of 9 new products made their début here. We drew some positive conclusions and were satisfied with our attendance at the trade fair. We conducted good discussions on our exhibition stand."

    Christen J. Merkle, Managing Director of AHP Merkle GmbH

  • "We mainly held discussions with decision-makers at Moulding Expo. The discussions often involved the direct start of a project. We also made use of the opportunity to become acquainted with new technologies. As an exhibitor right from the very beginning, we are now already looking forward to the next Moulding Expo in 2025."

    Robert Wehl, CEO of Wehl & Partner GmbH

  • "It is important to have a strong trade fair for the mould making industry in the region of southern Germany. We meet customers here from the mould making and punching technology sectors. Special mention must be made of the connection with the region, the latest technologies that are presented at the trade fair, and the first-class trade visitors."

    Stefan Zecha, Managing Shareholder of ZECHA Hartmetall-Werkzeugfabrikation GmbH

  • "Moulding Expo enabled us in a unique way to establish quick and competent contacts with existing and new customers in the German and now also European tool construction and mould making industry. In particular, the increasing number of contacts from Portugal, Austria, Türkiye and Eastern Europe could be clearly seen."

    Stephan Berz, Vice President of Oerlikon HRSflow Sales

  • "Something was finally happening again! We really liked the concept of the entire industry under one roof since that strongly emphasised the value of networking. Moulding Expo has now become a fantastic unifying brand bringing the tooling industry together with the potential to establish itself as a premier international event."

    Bob Williamson, President of ISTMA

Impressions 2023

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