ATP Elektronik GmbH

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Driven by our passion for perfection: EMS expertis

Precise and reliable production of a wide range of electronic components is more than just business for ATP Elektronik from Norderstedt. We have held our philosophy high since 1990: One idea, one thought, one reliable partner. We apply this philosophy to all areas of our business from the development of basic technical concepts to the production of prototypes and series production. 

As your EMS service provider we pride ourselves on solid, high-quality workmanship. Our customers particularly appreciate our stability paired with our high vertical integration and degree of completion. 

Whether you are looking for assembly or soldering (e.g. SMD, THT, reflow-soldering), prototype production, serial assembly, inspections or consultancy: Meet with us at NORTEC – and make the most of our long-standing experience in electronics spanning more than 30 years. We look forward to meeting you there.

Want to learn more and meet the experts in person?

» Visit ATP Elektronik GmbH from 23 - 26 January 2024 at NORTEC!

Image rights: ATP Elektronik GmbH