August Dreckshage GmbH & Co. KG

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You can´t organise procurement any better.

With 4 product areas, DRECKSHAGE offers variety and depth of service, which is unique in this form. From classic materials to ready-made parts from drawings; from aluminium profiles to customised machine housing; from mobile linear technology to customised technical rollers.

With our pioneering service, we offer the exact manufacturing level to best support your value creation. Soft edge finishing is only one example of how everything runs smoothly with DRECKSHAGE. As far as logistics, expertise
and human values are concerned; we make making possible.

Want to learn more and meet the experts in person?

» Visit August Dreckshage GmbH & Co. KG from 23 - 26 January 2024 at NORTEC!

Image rights: August Dreckshage GmbH & Co. KG