ultraTEC innovation

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Ultrasonic deburring: The solution to your deburring problem

Disturbing burrs and protruding fibers occur in and on components during every machining process. To remove these automatically and without contact, the Swabian technology company ultraTEC innovation GmbH has developed a novel process: its systems deburr metal and plastic components with the power of an ultrasonic system. To do this, components are guided in a process water tank at the tip of an ultrasonic sonotrode, whose generated vibrations remove burrs and fibers in an energy-efficient manner.

Founded in 2019, the start-up from Laupheim has been a company of the internationally active Vollmer Group from Biberach an der Riß since July 2022.

Want to learn more and meet the experts in person?

» Visit ultraTEC innovation GmbH from 23 - 26 January 2024 at NORTEC!

Image rights: ultraTEC innovation GmbH