Special Show 'Create. Sustainable. Future. TogetheR+T'
![Special Show 'Create. Sustainable. Future. TogetheR+T' [Translate to English:]](/r-t/fileadmin/media/besucher/rahmenprogramm/Headerbilder/rt-24-header-sonderschau-nachhaltigkeit.jpg)
Climate change is a global challenge and, according to unanimous expert opinion, can no longer be denied. This has been confirmed time and again by extensive studies.
However, studies also show that the interaction of modern windows and façades with solar shading systems and smart home solutions can significantly reduce CO2 emissions.
The special show at R+T 2024 addressed this topic and demonstrated the potential for combating climate change through intelligent sun shading.
The Special Show 'Create. Sustainable. Future. TogetheR+T' was supported by our partners:
- E.D.S.F. European Door and Shutter Federation e. V.
- RTG - Repräsentanz Transparente Gebäudehülle
- ES-SO - European Solar Shading Organization
- BAS.T Bundesverband Antriebs- und Steuerungstechnik. Tore e. V.
- #ShowYourStripes
- Sattler