The entire world of coffee

Innovative coffee trends and art of confectionery
At INTERGASTRA, coffee culture is celebrated with passion, a commitment to quality and special expertise. This is where you will find everything to do with enjoying the perfect coffee. The special area "Stuttgart Coffee Summit" offers gastronomers and hoteliers insights into the world of coffee and permits exchanges with international coffee experts. Further impulses can be found during competitions and presentations by well-known patissiers and chocolatiers on the stage of the Confectioners' Guild of the State of Baden-Württemberg.

Key themes in the coffee and confectioneryarea:
- Hot beverages (coffee, tea and cocoa)
- Coffee machines and coffee grinders
- Coffee roasting
- Packaging and accessories
- Growing, processing and refining coffee
- Stage of the Baden-Württemberg Regional Association of Confectioners’ Guilds
Stuttgart Coffee Summit
The “Stuttgart Coffee Summit” and its connected congress “CoffeeSymposium” is a unique and indispensable institution in the international coffee industry and is organized in cooperation with Coffee Consulate. It is focused on the entire value chain of coffee “from bean to cup”. Interesting lectures present the latest market developments and in workshops and cup tastings you can experience high quality coffee specialties.