E&M Innovation arena
The media house Energie & Management (E&M) is organising the E&M Innovation Arena at Volta-X on two days, bringing top-class speakers from the energy industry, industry and government institutions to the stage on current issues of energy supply and climate protection. The first day of the E&M Innovation Forum will focus on "Crisis management strategies", while the second day will focus on "Best practice regarding climate neutrality".
How emission-free mobility is changing municipalities
- Climate-neutral mobility means more than electric cars - plea for an integrated approach
- Concepts for emission-free mobility in municipalities and for trades
- Mobility: emission-free, electric and digital - how we are creating attractive offers
Sinaida Cordes, Head of the Mobility Development Division, SWM
The role of flexibilities in tomorrow's energy world
- Sector linking and regional management of flexibilities: This is how the energy transition will also succeed at a local level
- Hydrogen, battery storage and green heat as core elements of municipal flexibility for public utilities
Dr. Matthias Leuthold, Head of the Trianel Network FlexStore, Trianel GmbH